Existing Members Renewal Form

This is the Membership application for renewing members, the contact information will only be required if it has changed from previously given. If you were not a member in the past year, CLICK HERE for the New Member Application Form.

If the answer is no please complete the changed information below.
Note: One form must be completed for each family member.
Our membership fees are based on our season from September – August. Prorated fees are based on the date you join the club, it will be effective until the following September.


This form is a legal document. By accepting this statement , you accept the sole and absolute responsibility for your own personal safety and for your property while taking part in Club activities. You forever and absolutely release the Club, directors, officers, members and trip leaders from all responsibility for any accident, injury or loss you may suffer or sustain by taking part in any activity, including a field trip or outing organized by the Club.

Read this form before accepting. If you have any questions, consult a lawyer. Once you have accepted this statement, you cannot make any claim of any kind against the club for any injury, loss or damage to you or your equipment of any kind.

I, the undersigned, declare that I am at least 19 years old or, if the person participating in the activity is under 19 years of age, them I am the legal guardian of such participant and accept this statement on his or her behalf. By accepting this statement, I acknowledge that the activities of the Harbour City Photography Club are arranged and led by volunteer, amateur personnel.

In consideration of being allowed to take part in activities of the Club, I hereby freely and voluntarily accept full and absolute sole responsibility for, and I forever and absolutely release and discharge the Club, its directors and officers, member and trip leaders from any injury, loss, damage or cost that I may suffer or sustain, including property damage and personal injury or death. This release is binding on my heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives.

This Release is contractual in nature and not merely recital.


The Harbour City Photography Club (HCPC) will use the Creative Commons Copyright licence as a tool to maintain individual copyrights while allowing certain uses of club members’ images.


  1. A creative commons license helps creators to retain copyright while allowing other (for example, our club) to copy, distribute, publish, and make use of images for slideshows, etc. all non-commercially.
  2. All club members are invited to participate in our photograph programs where images can be displayed or published in different ways:
    1. Club Website
    2. Shaw TV (HCPC presents Life Captured
    3. Email distribution by members to members ([email protected])
    4. Club meetings
    5. Social Media: i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc
  3. Accepting this document allows the club to use your images while at the same time protecting your copyright.

Creative Commons Attribution – Non-commercial License

I wish to participate in publishing my images as per the Creative Commons License. I understand that I retain the copyright to my images and grant the club the right to share, publish, display and generally use my images as longs as the club credits me as the creator and does not use the images for commercial purposes.

If the Creative Commons Agreement is not accepted the member will not be able to share their images in any of the club presentations, including club challenges and competitions, submissions to CAPA competitions and on club social media or web sites.
